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Kate Woodward

"I was raised on a farm so spent my childhood chopping wood, plucking geese and shearing sheep .. oh, and I'm a yoga instructor!"

What specific skills do you bring to the Blue Gnu team?

I think my combination of yellow and green energy means I can easily and quickly create an environment in which people feel comfy to open up and share. I've also been told I have a 'Winnie the Pooh' type approach - bringing simplicity to complexity - I'm a self development junkie and I love to share what I've learned and find useful with others. 

What is your passion and mission?
Why do you do what you do?

This sounds a bit 'out there' perhaps, but it is my passion and mission; to raise universal consciousness one person at a time.  Life is so precious, such a gift, and yet we are also so irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. I believe the key to health and happiness lies within really understanding the importance and impermanence of who we are and what we are here to do.

What qualifications do you bring to the Blue Gnu team?



I am Insights Discovery, Motivational Maps, Mojo, Liberating Leadership accredited. I am also an accredited executive coach & a senior yoga teacher.

What is the most interesting Blue Gnu project you've worked on?​​



A recent large scale Management Development programme; it's been so interesting to work on a project as part of a team, from it's creation onwards, adapting along the way to make improvements.

Who would your dream client be and why?

Every client is my Dream Client because I really believe that every single client provides me with an opportunity to learn. I know that sounds like a dreadful, interview type answer, and i did start to answer this one differently, but the answer I've given is actually the truth. That said, someone who I can really easily get on with and be honest with is a massive bonus!


What does your Insights Discovery profile say about you?

Kate is motivated by an inner vision that she values above all else, prepared in conflict, to ignore prevailing opinion or established authority.

Kate's need to assimilate information takes time, this may frustrate others who expect a more immediate response.

Kate will be conscious of the human factors in the organisation and the team.

What are your top 3 motivators?

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For me, Searcher is all about making a difference. I’m always looking for ways to make more of a difference, to improve the impact of a conversation, programme or exercise

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For me, this is all about having the freedom and autonomy to run my life the way I like, and to bring a bespoke, personal solution to every client I meet 

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This is all about collaborative relationships and being part of a team, I love working with people I can spark off and get creative with!

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