Terms & Conditions for Client Practitioners
"Client Practitioner" or “CP” means an Insights Accredited Practitioner who is an employee within a Client organisation.
“The Distributor” refers to Blue Gnu Consulting Ltd.
“CP Annual Licence Fee” means an annual fee, which is payable to Blue Gnu for each CP in respect of each CP Annual Licence Period.
“CP Annual Licence Period” means a period of one year commencing from 1st January and ending on the 31st December each year, during which the Client has CPs.
"Insights” refers to the Insights Discovery Product suite.
“Insights Units” means an Insights product consisting of pre-purchased credits that can be exchanged within Insights Online for Insights Discovery Profiles.
“Insights Discovery Profile” means an Insights Product consisting of a written profile individualised for each profile recipient and generated using personal data collected through an Insights evaluator.
When the booking of an Insights Discovery Accreditation (IDA) for a Client Practitioner (CP) is confirmed by The Distributor in writing, a contract is deemed to exist. Any cancellation or postponement of the IDA must be confirmed in writing. The terms and conditions for cancelling or postponing an IDA mirror those of Insights: if any agreed dates are cancelled with less than 21 days’ notice, 100% of the fees are payable. Prior to this, dates can be postponed without charge on one occasion, any subsequent postponement up to 21 days before the IDA will be charged at 10%.
A candidate who successfully completes the IDA course and assessments will qualify as an Insights Accredited Practitioner and will be granted a licence to access certain practitioner materials to use and deliver certain Insights products internally to the Client as a CP for a period of one year from the date of their accreditation (the “IDA Year”). The Distributorship will also enable access for the CP to Insights Online.
Once accredited, the CP will also be able to join, for free, The Blue Gnu Practitioner Community to share best practice and learn from other Insights licensed practitioners. Within this community, The Distributor will provide events to help new and existing CPs on the inside of our Client organisations to get the best out of the Insights Discovery model.
All CPs at the Client organisation must be licensed through The Distributorship. Upon expiration of the IDA year, and each CP Annual Licence Period thereafter, each CP must pay an Annual Licence Fee to The Distributorship to maintain their accreditation to deliver Insights products internally to the Client and to be able to access materials. CPs may not deliver, run or facilitate any events incorporating Insights products to anyone other than the Client.
Where the expiration of the IDA Year falls during a CP Annual Licence Period, The Distributorship will charge for the CP Annual Licence Fee on a pro rata basis for the first CP Annual Licence Period. Thereafter, all CP Annual Licence Fees shall be paid in full for each subsequent CP Annual Licence Period
Unless otherwise agreed in writing between the parties, the CP Annual Licence Fee will be invoiced on 1st December each year and is payable in advance of the next CP Annual Licence Period for all active CPs.
All Insights products (Insights Units for profiles, and materials e.g., soft blocks, floor mats etc.) must be purchased through The Distributorship. The CP must provide enough lead time for Insights Units to be purchased. The minimum order for Insights Units is 2500. The transfer of Insights Units to the CPs account will occur on receipt of payment.
CPs should order Insights materials with at least 14 days’ notice to allow sufficient time for the order to be processed and postage time. All orders will incur a postage and package charge as outlined in the CP Price List.
All orders of Insights Units and materials are non-refundable.
Once the CP is licensed and wishes to generate Insights Discovery Profiles, there are two options at The Distributorship. The first option is for the CP to order Insights Units and generate their own profiles through their Insights Online account, whereas the second option is for The Distributorship to generate the profiles and email to the CP. If the CP choses this second option, The Distributor will provide the CP with Blue Gnu’s URL to send to delegates. The CP is required to provide a delegate list so that The Distributor can monitor completion of the evaluator. The Distributor will generate the Insights Discovery Profiles with the chapters requested and PDFs will be sent by email. The cost of this service is detailed in the CP Price List.
The Client agrees that all Blue Gnu Consulting Ltd consulting models, approaches, course materials remain the intellectual property of The Distributorship.
Unless agreed explicitly in advance, The Distributorship reserve the right to outline examples of the work they have provided for any given Client in the form of case studies, blogs or equivalent on the Blue Gnu website or in other promotional materials. In these instances, The Distributorship reserve the right to name the Client and use images of the Client’s website and / or logo, giving a fair and accurate representation of any work carried out. If this is likely to provide an obstacle, the Client should approach The Distributorship before entering into any agreement for services.
The Distributorship agrees to keep confidential all information gained and documents about the Client’s people and business, and never to disclose this to third parties. The CP agrees to keep confidential all information gained and documents about the Client’s people and business, and never to disclose this to third parties in line with the Insights standard terms and conditions.
If The Distributor is prevented or hindered from carrying out its obligations hereunder by circumstances beyond its reasonable control, then The Distributor’s liability to The Client shall be no greater than the amount paid by the Client to The Distributor in respect of the services to be rendered.
The CP or Client may terminate the contract by giving thirty (30) calendar days’ notice in writing. The Annual Licence Fee is non-refundable.
The Distributorship may terminate the contract by giving thirty (30) calendar days’ notice in writing. The Distributorship agrees to fulfil all scheduled commitments during this period and charge appropriately.
Invoice for IDA – the full amount will be invoiced upon receipt of booking confirmation of the IDA from Insights.
Invoice for Annual Licence Fee - the full amount will be invoiced on the 1st December of each year
Invoice for Insights Units - the full amount will be invoiced once the order is made and any units will be transferred to the CP once payment is made, unless agreed otherwise.
Invoice for Insights materials - the full amount will be invoiced once the order is made and materials sent to the CP.
Payment terms - is requested within 30 days of the date of the invoice.
Purchase Order Number - This should be supplied in advance of the IDA, Annual License Fee or any order for Insights products, if you require this for invoice payment.
All prices quoted are subject to the addition of VAT at the current rate.
Prices are subject to annual increases, usually on 1st January every year.